Thursday, June 23, 2011

Staged Reading and Class Search!


I hope everyone is having a wonderful day. I thought I'd pop by and write a little note before I head to work. On Saturday in Pasadena's Little Theatre, my class mates and I had a staged reading of our 10 minute plays and it went very well. Our instructor, Norman Knight, hosted it and invited Mike Rademaekers from The Secret Rose Theatre in North Hollywood. Mike gave us all great advice and very constructive criticism. The most valuable thing he said to me was that the set up leading to the action needs to be short! It's only a 10-minute play, people need to be sucked in right away. I plan to submit my work to The Secret Rose in September, and one day see it produced! How awesome is that going to be? :)

I'm currently checking out new acting classes, as I have just finished up a voice and movement class. It's so important to stay active and stay fresh. I'm considering a commercial acting class, but who knows! I'll keep ya, posted.

Have a great weekend! I'll be in Las Vegas. Be jealous, be very jealous. Mwahaha!


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(626) 454-9103

Special Skills
Bowling, Swimming - ability - general, Yoga, Improvisation, Licensed Driver, Whistler, British - BBC English Accent, New York Accent, Southern Accent, Non-Regional English/Classical Dialect

Additional Attributes:
Height: 5 ft. 6 in., Weight: 150 lbs., Brown Hair, Brown Eyes

Union Status

Ella's PetalsEllaChristine Moitoso, dir.
The Quiet WorldGirlfriendAngel Espinosa, dir.
Vampire TrailerVampiressAngel Espinoza, dir.
Other Side of NerdsWaitressHowie Paras, dir.
From Heaven to OhioClass PresidentChristine Moitoso, dir.
Good Will HuntingSkylarStephen Strosin, dir.
The PaperDanaJoshua Bonano, dir.
Into the SeaJacquelineAnthony Guzman, dir.

Intimate ApparelEvangeline Van BurenAnita Dashiel-Sparks
The Love of the NightingaleHeroAbigail Deser, dir.
Four Girls Are StandingBeautySara Newswanger, dir.
The Laramie ProjectTiffany EdwardsJoanna Michals, dir.
One for the RoadGilaChris Smith, dir.
The AppleEbieS. Jonathan, dir.
David and LisaKateJill Gerber, dir.
The Night of January 16thKaren AndreJill Gerber, dir.

USC "Our Choice" Spot


Scene Study
Performance for Camera
Voice for the Actor
Commercial Acting
Public Speaking
Playing the Villain
Scene Study
Character Acting
Scene Study
Student (Featured)

Steven Kent
Joseph Hacker
Paul Backer
Kathleen Dunn
Joe Bays
Whitney Rydbeck
Jane Dibbell
Joe Hacker
Bill Bailey and Todd R.
Beth Hogan
Debra DeLiso
Lora Zane
Katie Taylor Casting

La Verne
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
La Verne
Los Angeles
Actors Comedy Studio
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles